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Mercedes Maybach rental services

سيارات للايجار 18 مشاهدات جديد إيجار ID: 41203

تاريخ الاعلان 2023/11/06

الوصف الخاص بالاعلان

Tourist Car Limousine Company provides offers to its customers for all types of cars. |+201011322559 we have a huge collection of luxury Mercedes cars for rent in Egypt. Therefore, you can reserve your car in the easiest and simplest ways ever. you can rent a Maybach car on daily, monthly and annual contracts. Therefore, the rental price varies depending on the rental period. The car is rented in Cairo for up to 12 hours a day we work to provide many models to suit all customers and satisfy them. Therefore, we provide special prices for companies, factories, and commercial establishments on car rental in Egypt. Mercedes car rental with driver, Mercedes rental price, Maybach limousine rental, Mercedes Ma...


12 شارع الحجاز،ميدان المحكمة،مصر الجديدة
30.06263, 31.24967
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10 اعلانات نشطة
أخر ظهور علي الموقع 6 months ago
مسجل في 8+ months
الملف الشخصي للمسخدم جميع اعلانات البائع (10)


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